How to Choose a Beneficiary for your Funeral Plan


For most, it’s easiest to nominate your beneficiary from day one. You can do this when you first sign up for Funeral Cover. This way you don’t have to worry about there being any problems later. The last thing you want is issues when there is a claim. Firstly, we always suggest you choose a person who is of legal age. This will prevent a lot of complications. A funeral plan is designed to take care of the burial expenses. It’s important to make sure you make the right person your beneficiary. Secondly, you must trust this person. The money will go directly to them. You have to choose a responsible person. Always make sure the beneficiary is aware that they are nominated. We always suggest you confirm with your beneficiary. Make sure they are comfortable with the nomination.

What happens if you don’t nominate a beneficiary?

With some providers, the payout will be to a spouse or another person on the policy.  However, if you nominate a beneficiary, that person will be the first in line to handle the claim. We do not suggest you leave the beneficiary section blank when you sign up for your funeral policy. This can cause major problems later. Rather be safe than sorry and do it as soon as possible.

How do I put in a claim for funeral cover?

To claim, your beneficiary will have to contact the provider directly. We always advise our clients to do it as soon as possible. The provider will tell the beneficiary exactly what they need. Once they receive the supporting document, they will process the claim. The provider will direct the beneficiary. All options will be explained ant the burial arrangements can begin.

Generally, this is going to be:

  • the policy documents
  • a death certificate
  • Beneficiary’s identity

Remember, claims cannot settle and paid until all the paperwork is completed. Most providers do this within a day or two.  Below is an indication of how quickly our provider settles claims:

  1. Up to 48 Hours – AVBOB, Discovery, Metropolitan
Funeral Cover Beneficiary

 How do I know who to nominate as my beneficiary?

First things first, we strongly suggest they must be aged 16 or over as at the date of nomination. It’s better to make sure you’ve checked with your chosen one before adding them to your policy. You probably want to have a conversation with them about any special funeral ar­rangements you have in mind. We suggest you are sure you’re on the same page. You can nominate a friend or family member.

A beneficiary should be someone you fully trust to carry out your wishes. Get a person who you know will do their best to arrange a funeral that best celebrates your life in the way you’d like people to. Nominating the right beneficiary can help ensure the quick arrangement of your funeral. It’s good to have minimal family friction or distress. Planning properly can help with prevent this. Most people think to nominate a family member, often a partner or child. If none of these options are available to you, then you may want to ask a trusted friend. And remember, you can change your Beneficiary at any time, so long as you complete a new beneficiary section on the application. If your situations changes, or those of your beneficiary, it’s no problem to change the beneficiary on your policy.


Although we do not handle claims on our website, we are well aware of how each provider we represent operates.  We made sure every provider we represent has a seamless trusted process. Choosing the right beneficiary is very important. We often hear about families fighting over money after the funeral. You need to choose a fair person you can trust. They have to have nothing but your best interests at heart.

Click here if you want to get a free funeral cover quote, or simply complete a contact form anywhere on our website. We also have a comparison website where you can compare funeral cover.  If you have, any questions feel free to let us know.

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